Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Busy Bee

Waking up at 4:30 and trekking downtown to the flower market while the world is still asleep is no easy feat. But walking in and seeing all your flower friends is so energizing, it never ceases to amaze. Aside from the awesome people at the market (I'm lookin' at you Joe!), there are also flowers that take my breath away. Right now the Dahlias are freaking out, and I'm completely under their spell. Just look at this and try not to be transfixed:

Crazy, right?? And here's a better look at the arrangement this guy joined, made for one really special Bird's birthday:

And one more super exciting birthday I was psyched to help celebrate, that of a new little man who was just born to a very special friend:

I have a feeling the next post will be about Blushing Bride Protea (you can see it peeking out in there)...completely obsessed you guys. Completely.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Been away so long...

I had the immense honor of creating an arrangement for a very special lady's 90th (!!!!) Birthday!!!! I love this woman, and know she has a keen sense of style (she once told me to keep an eye on my MJ shoes 'cause she just might take them away from me), so coming up with the arrangement wasn't too hard. I just went for the best of the best:

I really hope AS liked her flowers. I had the best time making them for her! Lots more coming soon, stay tuned.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Flowers For Fantastic Friend's Fabulous Fotos

One of my dearest friends in the entire world held an exhibition of her beautiful photographs last week, and I had the great pleasure of creating some florals for the event. Here are a couple of snaps!

And the street-art that greeted us outside on our way out couldn't possibly be any more appropriate!!!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

More Farmer's Market fun

A wonderful new friend took me on a beautiful tour of the Santa Monica Farmer's Market on Wednesday. I was seriously in luck, because the girl might as well be the mayor of the market, she knows every stand and every vendor! As you might expect, I walked away with armloads of flowers...and some edibles I've been dying to try in arrangements:

My "workstation"

And the end result: that's a little experiment with garden roses, cornflowers, sweet peas, kale, and arugula blossoms. Yum! And the little white and yellow ones aren't camomile as originally thought, but Feverfew, which the vendor said is great for easing migraines.

The second arrangement was a height experiment*, which ended up looking like a trophy that Brooklyn won. Probably for being so awesome.

I'm going to leave you with one more garden rose shot, because I can't resist them!

* I'm trying to overcome my floral acrophobia (floracrophobia?!?)! It ain't easy people.